Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Can we reduce nemawashi to lobbying ? Is nemawashi checking the relevance of a solution and enriching it with key field actors, or simply promoting / enforcing it ?

Hello everyone,
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer, it has been a busy one for me traveling all around the US and Canada spreading the good word about changing how people think and practice as an organization.

My next blog post is being shared yet again from where I have been participating in the dialogue answering specific questions posted by individuals and/or companies on their lean journey.

This month's question is:

Can we reduce nemawashi to lobbying ? Is nemawashi checking the relevance of a solution and enriching it with key field actors, or simply promoting / enforcing it ?

I  think this is a great question and something we tend to overlook in the communication process of (engaging people).    Many have never heard of the word Nemawashi so please check out my answer to the question along with other Lean authors.

Here is the link to the site -

If you want a link to my specific response be go here -       

Until next time
Tracey Richardson

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